Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Investor Club

Guys, what to wear to motivated seller interview?

  • 13 Mar 2013 8:23 AM
    Message # 1241451
    I'm sure this has been covered in the past, but I am unable to find a "search" option.  I'd like to get my wholesaling rolling along.  I've narrowed my marketing down to direct mailing and maybe finding some probate leads at the local courthouse.

    My big concern is the initial meeting.  I plan on doing some mock interviews (probably with my wife) to get the hang of it, but something you can't practice is knowing what to wear.  I've always been terrible when it comes to "style" so my wardrobe consists of jeans and t-shirts.  So a little help in the clothing department would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance,
  • 18 Mar 2013 2:44 PM
    Reply # 1245755 on 1241451
    Sounds like you will fit right in.  Just be yourself. 
  • 20 Mar 2013 9:07 AM
    Reply # 1247454 on 1241451
    I would recommend that you take one step up from your usual wardrobe.  You don't want to look rich or slick, just get yourself some dockers and a shirt with a collar.  Think Ross Dress for Less.  
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